Meeting Resources

Staff Room

A Business Meeting for Partners

Essential: Appoint a Chairman – the following is for them:

Before the meeting:

  • Have an agenda which every member has agreed to / contributed to.
  • Consider how much debate there will be about each item. Specify a time limit for each item, but be realistic.
  • Agendas often are wildly unrealistic for the time allowed. But this means either debate will need to be focused and very time-efficient, or not all items can be dealt with today. It’s up to them to decide.
  • A happy partnership is an equal partnership where everyone’s voice is heard.

At the meeting:

  • The Chairman must be impartial, assertive but tactful.
  • Ensure that each member has their say. Not having ownership of decisions is a prime reason for subsequent action being half-hearted or non existent.
  • Summarizing – like we do in consultations – is a very useful tool.
  • A quiet member can be asked, “Are you happy with this?”
  • An articulate member who is tending to dominate can be interrupted and summarized: “So Fred, in summary you think that…”
  • A confrontational member, eg: who says, “This is the wrong way to go about it. You’re not chairing properly.” Can be handled by saying, “What does everyone else think about that?”
  • Write (or get someone to write) a synopsis of each decision, plus the main arguments and their protagonists.
  • Give action points (tasks) to members, but ensure they are happy with that. Ensure there is a time limit for actions.

Meeting Resources

An Educational meeting for Drs & Nurses
View Resource
A Business Meeting for Partners
View Resource

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