Entrance Hall

This area of the Safe House gives you some background regarding the origins of the Safe House, plus some reassurance on the levels of confidentiality you can expect from accessing the additional services on offer from the Avon LMC.

About Safehouse

In 2009, the Somerset Clinician Support Service (SuCceSS) was developed by Roger Crabtree as part of an international movement to enhance patient care by addressing the welfare and working environment of practitioners. The underlying philosophy of this movement was that a clinician who is underperforming in any way will not be able to provide optional care to their patients.

The Somerset Safehouse grew from this service as a closed resource for general practitioners, dentists and practice managers to offer support at times when they might be struggling with stressors that are having an adverse effect on their health or their ability to be at their best.

Given that the delivery of primary care services is now a multi-disciplinary effort, this support has been extended to all staff working in this sector.
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Version 3.0 © SafeHouse
In 2019, the Safehouse became an open resource available to anyone. Concurrently, we added a focus on enabling individuals, teams and organisations to self-care, build resilience and set a positive culture that reduces the impact of stressors before they lead to under-performance; this is arguably even more important in this day and age.

The Somerset Safehouse aims to offer ideas, suggestions and resources that might help people who work within primary care to thrive, live more contented professional lives, and offer better care to the communities they look after.

Many thanks,
Zoe Fox


Avon Safe House website and resources

There is much information included in the Avon Safe House website that could be useful to anyone in any circumstance.

As a result of this we have decided to open the site for all to view. However, it must be noted that some of the information included in these pages is specific to certain professional groups and is designed to be helpful to them. I can assure you that, in attempting to be helpful to these specific groups, there is absolutely no intention to be dismissive of other groups and I hope that no offense is taken.

Please head to The Garden Shed to leave your comments there.


This area of the website is password protected as it offers tailored support for primary care staff working in this locality. Create a username and password by visiting the Support Portal.

This service is provided with a complete awareness of the need for confidentiality, the portal is password protected and the data encrypted. We take this issue very seriously – within the portal there is a facility to exchange messages with an Advocate. Unless you mention your name, the Advocate cannot identify you. You can use an anonymous username, however your chosen email will be used to send and receive messages to your inbox as well as via the messaging portal.

We feel this is vital because of the great sensitivity of some of the challenges that GPs and general practice staff experience.

The only possible and rare exception to this would be if something were clearly an immediate risk to patient safety. In such a case it would be mandatory for it to be shared with a member of the local Performance Advisory Group. Such an action would always be disclosed to the practitioner concerned.



Contacts for Support & Advice

How to speak to a member of our team for support or coaching