We all have these, but mine would not be yours and vice versa.
The underlying issue is that you feel uncomfortable and that they have unrealistic expectations.
The key to resolving this is for you to understand more fully where they are coming from.
For a start, maybe they match one of the following four stereotypes?
Someone who comes back over and over again, for something minor or self-limiting which others would not need to see you about.
Their requests are repeated – referral / prescriptions / advice. “My shoulder is better now Doctor, but it’s my stomach. Better be safe than sorry, don’t you agree Doctor?” Over-appreciative; may give praise, often gifts.
Some solutions >
This patient needs:
The Doctor needs:
Someone who “knows their rights” and believes that their GP is there to meet their every need, giving a concrete token of their worth [a scrip or a referral] in every case.
They progressively wear down their GP until he / she can’t stand the prospect of seeing them, and they risk a serious diagnosis being missed because of the reaction they engender.
Some solutions >
This patient needs:
The Doctor needs:
Someone who is never satisfied that the Doctor has done as much as possible, and cultivates a passive child-parent relationship with the GP.
As soon as one problem is sorted out, they attend with a new one; “Better to be safe than sorry.” Because their approach to their GP is fundamentally dysfunctional, this deep-seated behaviour takes time and much patience to unravel.
Some solutions >
This patient needs:
The Doctor needs:
Someone who never accepts what the Doctor advises, but continues with the same behaviour which is usually an addiction or life-style which threatens their health but which they seem unable to break out of. This again is a very deep-seated dysfunction which may have unresolved issues of grief or even abuse from childhood.
It is therefore vital that a non-confrontational approach is taken, involving support and understanding while still not encouraging the destructive behaviour. The fact that they are attending at all needs to be seen as a wish to change.
Some solutions >
This patient needs: